May 4, 2011
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matthew Kennedy, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Mark Helfrick, Anthony Costello, Kenneth Strom, and Michael Krikonis
Staff Present: Pamela Harding
Others: Doug Andrysick, Heather Moore, Tom Clarke, Kris Clarke, Peter Rollins, Susan LeRoy, Ronald LeRoy, John Conry, Ellen Conry, Dennis Grimaldi, Jo-Ann Grimaldi, John Kevorkian, Mark Corrugan, David Getman.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
7:00 p.m Notice of Intent DEP File #183-548 West Fairhill Road Assessing Map 225 Parcel 42 Global Properties The public hearing notice was read. Doug Andrysick represented the applicant The Applicant is proposing to construct a group home with 9 parking spaces within the 100’ buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland, a 25’ no disturb buffer is proposed. The applicant stated the home will provide independent living opportunities to people with brain injuries.
The parking area is proposed to consist of 6 inches of crushed pavement and will be pervious. There are two rain gardens proposed to collect roof runoff. There is a small ditch on the property, which transports water into a catch basin on West Fairhill Road.
Pam Kelley, 122 Pilgrim Drive talked about the severe drainage problem on the property and the existing drainage problems that occur in the rear of her yard that results in flooding and icy conditions on her property and on Pilgrim Drive.
John Kivorkian, 21 Brentwood Drive stated there has been a water problem in the neighborhood for years.
Pam Kelley stated the lot has standing water that floods her yard.
Athanasia Engonidi, 3 West Fairhill Road asked what impervious area is, it was explained the surface allows water to infiltrate into the ground.
Linda Ridlon, 152 Pilgrim Avenue asked what a rain garden is. She was told it is a vegetated depression which holds and infiltrate water.
The following abutters all expressed concern about the existing drainage problems and how additional drainage from this project will affect their property.
Jesse Caplin, 178 Pilgrim Ave
Marjorie Grosbert, 160 Pilgrim
Mike Robbins, 76 Birchwood Drive
George Luddy, 128 Pilgrim Drive
John Kivorkian, 21 Brentwood Drive
Nathan Moore, 25 Fairhill Road
Matthew Kennedy felt many of the drainage concerns were a result of possible problems with street drainage. He requested the Town Engineering Department be contacted to obtain additional information on the status of the drainage in the neighborhood.
Ken Strom requested additional soil testing be conducted, particularly in the location of the proposed rain gardens. A site visit was scheduled for May 18, 2011.
The hearing was continued to June 1, 2011.
Notice of Intent DEP File #183-508 407 Highland Street – The applicant is proposing to increase the front yard setback of the single family home in exchange for the elimination of an in-ground swimming pool. The area of disturbance does not change. The Commission unanimously voted the change was insignificant and would not require the filing of an amendment to the existing Orders of Conditions.
Certificate of Compliance DEP File # 183-475 Alden Woods II – C.B. Blair Development Corp. There is unstable soil and lots are still under construction. The DPW is currently reviewing the as-builts, which were submitted earlier in the day. The item was continued.
Town Meeting Warrant Articles P. Harding requested a Commission member read the motions for the amendments to the Wetlands Bylaw and the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Bylaw. Michael Scott agreed.
Anthony Costello made a motion to approve the April 6, 2011 minutes, Robert Lowell seconded the motion, the motion passed 7-0, all were in favor.
Michael Scott made a motion to adjourn. Michael. Krikonis seconded the motion, the motion passed 7-0, all in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 1, 2011.
The May 4, 2011 Minutes were approved on June 1, 2011.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent